Dear Neighbor,
The Cape Elizabeth School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC) has reached a critical milestone in our journey towards developing a school building proposal for the Town Council and School Board. Our goal is to propose a project that meets the educational and infrastructural needs of the schools and garners wide-spread community support in a November 2024 referendum. We have narrowed down the seven initial options to three conceptual designs and are now seeking your input through the enclosed survey, which has been mailed to every household in town.
Your participation is crucial in shaping a school buildings proposal that best serves our community. Please complete the survey by April 22nd, either by mailing it back using the enclosed postage-paid envelope, submitting it online at, or dropping it off at Town Hall. All residents 18 and older are encouraged to participate, but we kindly request that you only complete the survey once. You can also find additional hard copies of this survey at Town Hall.
THIS IS NOT A VOTE. This is an information gathering exercise. The final option will be further refined based on feedback we receive from the community.
Included with this survey are three additional pages, which we ask you to review carefully (see below):
- An overview of current school infrastructural and educational needs
- A summary of the three design concepts (Options B, C, and E) and needs they address
- An overview of associated costs and tax impacts for each option
Your responses will remain strictly confidential. The survey is conducted by Portland Research Group, an independent firm, and no one from the SBAC or town will have access to individual responses. All data will be aggregated to ensure anonymity.
The SBAC has been working diligently over the past year to reach this point, and community feedback has been critically important each step of the way. This process involved careful consideration of the needs of our students, staff, community, and the financial implications of each option. Your feedback is crucial as we seek to further refine these options and develop a proposal that will serve our community for years to come.
The Cape Elizabeth School Building Advisory Committee

Information included with the survey is below: